We will be taking a short break. Shipping will resume on February 4.


"Kōsen ga sasu" (光線が射す) - a ray of light shines. It describes the moment when light penetrates through an object or when a beam of light illuminates a specific area. A moment, perhaps, where a human observer suddenly gains a little clarity.

We saw that the state of high quality flashlights lacked the traits we desired. Before us, there were few lights for the modern man to take from jeans to workwear to suit, for simple daily needs, the shop, or blazing the unbeaten path. With every day comes night, and whether you live in the concrete jungle or the edge of civilization, reliable illumination enhances our most important sense: sight.

After one success, then two, then three, then four... it was clear as a ray of light, a kōsen, that we were filling our own niche in the market. We were getting things done that people really wanted. And maybe, just maybe, with a little more focus, we could get more ambitious.

We are 100% American owned and operated in New York City, New York, USA. Our focus is on domestic sourcing of product and labor. Our manufacturing partners are based in, have facilities in, and hire American employees in the Southeast, Midwest, and the West of the United States of America. Nothing that can be done here is done overseas. 

Our number one priority is getting exceptional illumination tools into our customers' hands. We're not interested in the ordinary. We're not interested in BS. We're only interested in exceptional. Because our customers deserve some clarity of vision.

And just as our lights will shine exceptionally for you, we will forge forward and shine the path for even brighter and better. Kōsen ga sasu.